HP DL320 G3 - No post - flashing LEDs (legacy junk!)

1 Oct 2006
I went to site yesterday to attempt to fix a box that dropped off the network, arrived on site and the thing wouldn't post. Fans spin up like the clappers, but no display etc..

Got it back to the office from the data centre so I can take a look at it, and with the lid off I can see a bank of flashing LEDs near the PCI-E/PCI riser at the back of the machine.

Anyone know how to decipher these codes? Not a lot on Google sadly.
Cheers mate, I did have a look at that one but the LEDs I'm trying to read are in a bank of about 10 or so of them. None of the HP documentation references them, it's very odd. I'll try and get a pic.
Those are LEDs representing different kinds of power regulation.

From that you can deduce it's a dead motherboard or a dead power supply. Do you have a spare PSU which you could plug in to test?

Also, nice grunt @ 9 seconds. :D

Edit: Similar problem here - http://www.experts-exchange.com/Hardware/Servers/Q_23006061.html comes to the same conclusion. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the replies / discussion.
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I was going with dead board, but I might have a spare PSU from a different generation machine knocking about that I can test with. Nice one, thanks. :)

The grunt is born out of sheer frustration at the legacy junk I have to fix and shore up. I was on site yesterday to replace an ML350 running W2K that had two disk failures and I had to rebuild from scratch. Took 3 days to get Windows Update working, IE, and then work out how the bespoke app worked and how to get it installed. SQL DB restores and all sorts of stuff. Then I get to site, install it and think "great, job jobbed" then noticed this machine was duffed and now I've got another ancient piece of junk to fix. <grunt>


Cheers for your help mate, I'll give the PSU a try.
I don't understand how businesses reconcile with running important applications and services on kit which no longer has proper (vendor) support.

It's not until the dusty Pentium 2 server holding all their customer details goes pop, that they realise it might have been a good idea to move it somewhere else... It's ok though, they have backups on DDS-4 tapes!
You don't happen to work for the same company as me do you? Sounds very familiar.

The problem we have is there's no consolidation of service, new customer requirements are put in as standalone solutions so the estate just keeps growing. Once the project provided support expires, they always moan about how expensive the vendor (software and hardware) contracts are so they axe them. Meanwhile we've sold a fully supported solution to our customers that have no 3rd line support.

Anyway, I think I've found a PSU in a DL120 G5 (getting newer!) that looks like it'll fit so I can get some testing done this arvo. Either way I'm going to have to source a board or a PSU on time and materials... which will probably end up costing as much as the yearly support renewal.

Risk vs reward? Sigh.
We actively avoid supporting systems like that. It's nice to be a hero but it's usually very costly.

The DL320 G3 was released in 2006... There should be a few spare boards floating around I imagine.
It's not so old that people speak about it in hushed tones among piles of dusty DB-9 connector keyboards and Narrow SCSI adapters.

Anyway, good luck!
There's nothing heroic in this, it's what we do day to day. The customer for this one couldn't be more sensitive either!

2006... that's relatively new as it goes. There's kit in our estate older than me. :D

Cheers bud, looking forward to getting this one tied off.
G3's Jesus Christ are they still supported?!?:eek:

Looking at the rotation it could also mean a RAM or motherboard failure from memory used a lot of telco G3's. There should be a reset switch near the RAM components (again from memory) that you can push.

Remove all RAM, hit the reset switch (replace PSU just to be sure), if the rotation changes to ----_ _ _ _ then start to re-insert the RAM a stick at the time.

I don't envy your job with that old kit.
Telco G3... yep, sounds about right!

Still supported? Well I raised a hardware call on time and materials on our HP contract today! New board should be here Monday. Managed to find another PSU and it exhibited the same symptoms. Tested RAM and reseated CPU too.

I'll give that a try tomorrow, but I've been through CMOS clears, fiddled with DIP switches near the riser and all sorts and it's done nowt to help.

I don't envy my job either tbh, just keep telling myself the money is good and I'm close to home... pros outweigh the cons...!
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