HP Probook 455, anyone here got one?

18 Oct 2002
Bit of a long shot, but I have a Ryzen 5600U Probook here with a fragged USB-C port, I've dropped the bottom of the case off and there's a blown chip next to the USB-C port, looks simple enough to replace, but the chip that's gone has blown its lid so I cant see what it was to replace it..

Dont suppose anyone here has one and can get me the ID from the top of the chip?

Have you checked google images to see if any higher res photos of that motherboard come up?

Sometimes you’ll get lucky with a close up photo of segments of the motherboard.

Hope you’re successful
Yeha I had a quick Loogle before I came on here, there's nothing with a high enough res to see what the chip says on it :(
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