HR - Kill your own.

It's more "Ideas About Our Station" than "Shatterproof".

Personally, I much prefer it to Shatterproof, it has a bit more old hundred reasons feel to it, especailyl Destroy and Live Fast, Die Ugly. Still think Ideas Above Our Station is their best so far.
i am really enjoying it. fantastic effort has gone into making all the right sounds, some interesting recording techniques as well.

if they want to sell loads of records then poppy is the way foward :)

i preferred the metal days before HR, when they were called Floor, with pauls bro on drums, and little colin on bass. but then that is going back a long way.

lads are local to me, always ncie for farnborough to spawn some decent bands (ipanema of course being one of them :D )
Amazed someone else knew Floor!
Seen em at the West End Centre (Aldershot) a bunch of times, and once or twice in Woking back in the Floor days. Gotta say, never thought much of them when they played round here, really got into them later on though!
i jammed a couple of time with the townsends when I was a wee kiddy.

paul on guitar, pete on bass and mike on drums, me on guitar.

then paul and mike auditioned for floor.
that must have been in 1996!

times have changed a lot since then, and HR have had 3 albums :)
little colin was in melaluca, who should have got signed. now split up.
even i have had a mini album :)

edit. trying to remember who played with floor when I saw them at the west end centre. might have been zero cipher? no, grr I cant remember. some noisey bands though.
still a cracking little venue, no smoking now though and only 200 capacity!

you local to it then?
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Kinda local. Crowthorne way, the Westy used to be the venue of choice all through my GCSE/A-level years. Been ages since I've been down there though. Camberley Agincourt has started gigs again lately, but nobody I've fancied seeing! (And I even played the Agincourt a few years back with my old band 'Acathla'!)

Shame, since Uni just not in the local scene much anymore, but it is always nice to see local bands do well.
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