HTML/CSS Quick question

um they look the same to me unless you're on about the page which case you'd need to check they're both named the same file etc.

Layouts looks the same:
first one has
#more5114 {background-image: url(;}
second one has
#more5114 {background-image: url(;}

You do however have a broken line on the second link at
#more1180 {background-image: url(;}which might cause issues
um they look the same to me unless you're on about the page which case you'd need to check they're both named the same file etc.

Layouts looks the same:
first one has
#more5114 {background-image: url(;}
second one has
#more5114 {background-image: url(;}

You do however have a broken line on the second link at
#more1180 {background-image: url(;}which might cause issues

These two files are from separate accoutns, I'm basically copying that list and uploading it onto my host but I can't figure out how to produce a link so it takes you to the same view of the files as its does on the first link. If that makes any sense?

Because the website wouldn't read my list, when I replace the link with the original link (the first one) it works and all covers are shwoing... well kind off as some aren't updated yet...

Edit: - Some covers are missing, its understandable as its not automatic and someone updates those covers manually. That's why I want to create my own list and upload it to a host so I can update it, those blank spaces are annoying me...
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