Html Help Needed;

3 Dec 2004
Hi all,

First, tanks to the help you lot have gave me regardinh html over the past week :)

But I have a probelm;

I want to display a picture on screen that when clicked goes to the host site and displays the origianal size. How can I do that?

Augmented said:
<a href="[COLOR=Yellow][/COLOR]">
  <img src="[COLOR=Yellow]/thumbnail.jpg[/COLOR]" alt="[COLOR=Yellow]Preview of fullsize image[/COLOR]" />

Replace the yellow parts as necessary.

Thanks, so what size would that make the 'preview'? Or do I need to specify that on the html page its being displayed on?

Augmented said:
It doesn't resize it, and resizing a large image via HTML isn't generally a good idea. Resize the original fullsize image to the size you desire (in Photoshop or such), upload it to your webspace and use it as the clickable image.

Im sorry Augmented, im lost.

Are you saying upload 2 images of the picture? 1 big and 1 small then link the 2?

Im terrible at HTML I know.

Another question though, When I resize with photoshop the extension is still .jpg but the icon is a photoshop one and I cant upload it to me host site. Whay is that?


Sorted it, I was editing the file in Photoshop 'image ready' which was messing the extension.
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