HTPC advice - Want to swap from my Windows based HTPC

30 Aug 2003
Hi All

Having swapped to Mac about a year a go I couldn't be happier with my personal computing. Completely hassle free.

This is not the case for my PC based HTPC. I have recently moved and for some bizarre reason everything is fubar for no apparent reason - I'm not going to go into detail.

I have used pretty much every notable HTPC software out there and hope some of you would be able to help me out - as I really want to switch to a mac based HTPC.

My HTPC is used for the following

* Watching and recording digital television as I do not want Sky
* Watch movies and TV series that is on my hard drives (2 terrabyte's worth)
* RSS (and manual) torrent downloads
* Internet Browsing
* Video conversion for my iphone

I know XBMC (my favourite front end of all time) is available for OSX, however digital TV is not supported - yet.

Does anyone use their mac as an HTPC and use it for the same reasons as above?

Care to share your set-up please?
Wicked gents, thanks for the input.
Will keep updating the thread with any questions :)

First question actually: How would I easily swap between watching TV - or downloaded content
I.E - Swap from EyeTV to XMBC ?

It has to be controlled via one remote / no keyboard interaction on other words
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Well audio goes into my Logitech Z5500 - although... would that not just be stereo?
Also, the elgato is USB - how reliable is it?

In my experience USB tv tuners (on pc at least) are pants
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For media storage then look at a drobo v2 and connect via the FW800 on the new mini.

Sweet lord that thing is expensive, way too much for me I'm afraid.
Anything similar, but a LOT cheaper?

Would a Mini [base spec] push 1080p without much problem? If so I may have just booked my trip to the Apple Store tomorrow.

Yes from what i've read
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