I've decided to build a 2nd HTPC for the bedroom. It is simply for Kodi/Streaming/1080p - thats it!
I've sourced some 2nd hand parts for £38 off ebay, i'm waiting for them to arrive in the post.
AMD 5350
Asus AM1I-A Mini ITX m/b
8GB HyperX DDR3 (2x4GB)
500GB Seagate HDD
Vibox PSU - not sure of wattage or size.
Until i find out what size the PSU is i can't order a case - the silverstone ML05 was perfect for my last build but it uses an SFX PSU.
I was criticized in my last build for going intel and to be fair to the guys it was overkill
I've decided to build a 2nd HTPC for the bedroom. It is simply for Kodi/Streaming/1080p - thats it!
I've sourced some 2nd hand parts for £38 off ebay, i'm waiting for them to arrive in the post.
AMD 5350
Asus AM1I-A Mini ITX m/b
8GB HyperX DDR3 (2x4GB)
500GB Seagate HDD
Vibox PSU - not sure of wattage or size.
Until i find out what size the PSU is i can't order a case - the silverstone ML05 was perfect for my last build but it uses an SFX PSU.
I was criticized in my last build for going intel and to be fair to the guys it was overkill
- Can the CPU be passively cooled without the use of a fan ?
- How much power will the PC use if it is on stand by?
- I'd like to use an all in one (mouse/keyboard remote) a Tronsmart TSM01 Air Mouse+ Keyboard was reccomended - any reccomendations from overclockers?