HTPC build

5 Mar 2010
Eastbourne / Cape Town
CPU & Mobo: AMD E-350

RAM: Corsair xms3 2x 2gb DDR3

GPU : onboard should be fine for blu-ray playback, (i hope)

HDD: Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB SATA-II 64MB Cache

Case: Wesena Mini ITX2 Case (I think its lush personally)

PSU : i am a bit confused about the power supplies for M-ITX systems?

Remote: Can anyone suggest a good remote? i will be putting windows 7 on it with XBMC

Optical: Sony Optiarc BC-5640H BluRay

What you guys think?
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Would I need to get the Wesena 12v 10a Power Supply Adaptor to go with that PSU? also how did you know that it needs a pico-PSU?
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OO that combo board looks pretty nice tbh, as it has a nice inbuilt graphics card i reckon that would be a lot better!
^ same, anyone know of any reviews for blu-ray playback and if any problems..

hmm ill have to have a ganders at 2.5" hdds
Hmm so you think i should invest in an i3 rather than the amd e-350?.. yeah your right i might just have to suck it up and pay the extra for the hdd
problem with the 750 Gb is what happens when i fill that up, i would eitgher have to save the files onto my PC and share them to the HTPC or delete some which i dont want to do.. i think i mite need to get a different case to allow me to get a 3.5 hdd
Changed my mind about the case and going to go for a SilverStone Grandia GD04 SST-GD04B Black HTPC Case instead as i can put in a nice 1 TB drive and a standard size blu-ray player drive. I am still debating either the i3 or the AMD E-350 but unless i end up installing linux on it i cant see a problem? (i hear linux prfers nvidia cards)

It will also be displaying on a 50" TV, would this effect me needing a decent card?
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