Looking for a cheap build for a htpc.
I have a case already at in converting a gaming htpc to non gaming.
My gaming htpc is too power hungry and noisy, thus the conversion.
I know there are some amazing powre efficient setups or there at the moment!
I need this to..
-stream from a whs2011 based server
-5.1 output of mkv
-Low power consumption.
Have no idea what to get if I'm honest.
I have a case already at in converting a gaming htpc to non gaming.
My gaming htpc is too power hungry and noisy, thus the conversion.
I know there are some amazing powre efficient setups or there at the moment!
I need this to..
-stream from a whs2011 based server
-5.1 output of mkv
-Low power consumption.
Have no idea what to get if I'm honest.