Going for a HTPC new build.
Anyone recommend the best MICRO ATX Mobo to get? (I am gonna get the ANtex Fusion case - unless anyone knows better)
Also whats the bast processor to use? I am building in advance for HD DVD - I am thinking of a standard Athlon 64 CPU but unsure on graphics card as well..
Also are there any MATX Mobos that can be used fanless (to cut out on noise?
Also can anyone explain hwo to get a rmeote working? Do you need some add on on the back that will accept an IR signal?
Going for a HTPC new build.
Anyone recommend the best MICRO ATX Mobo to get? (I am gonna get the ANtex Fusion case - unless anyone knows better)
Also whats the bast processor to use? I am building in advance for HD DVD - I am thinking of a standard Athlon 64 CPU but unsure on graphics card as well..
Also are there any MATX Mobos that can be used fanless (to cut out on noise?
Also can anyone explain hwo to get a rmeote working? Do you need some add on on the back that will accept an IR signal?