Huawei’s lineup of monitors will reportedly include three models targeting different price bands. The top-of-the-range display competing with the best gaming monitors is expected to feature a Mini LED-based full-array local area dimming (FALD) along with a 240 Hz refresh rate, a combination not available today. Details about the remaining two LCDs are scarce. Some reports say that they will be aimed at lower-end segments; others claim that there will be a curved 23.8-inch monitor in the lineup. If the information about Huawei’s flagship gaming monitor is correct, then it looks like the company is working on a display that uses a ‘Fast IPS’ panel featuring a 240 Hz refresh rate that is equipped with a Mini LED-powered FALD backlighting, which promises to provide a very high contrast ratio along with a high peak brightness. Since FALD tends to be very expensive, it is unlikely that it will be used for a monitor with a TN or VA panel. The target audience of expensive displays is looking primarily for quality, so utmost color accuracy is critical for these people. The reports do not say anything about quantum dot enhancements or special polarizers to improve color accuracy beyond the capabilities of Fast IPS. Still, since we are talking about a Mini LED FALD-powered LCD, these are features that are reasonable to expect (though, this is speculation at this point).