Huge blast rocks University chemistry lab in france

A friend of the family works in a government lab in the 70s...

The story goes.. products of organic chemistry experiments were (against regulations) washed down the sink up stairs.
Meanwhile down stairs the results of a non-organic experiment were disposed of down their sinks.

The resulting meet in the common drank blew out all the drainage piping in the entire building :D
Remember the story of some peeps who tried to make gunpowder in the chemistry lab at school. Thought he would save time by grinding all the ingredients in the same bowl............BOOOM!! Most of his skin came off and a large chunk of the chemistry lab was destoyed.
Beerbaron said:
Devising chemical weapons of mass surrender??? :D

Sorry, couldnt help but post this

Phew! At least it hasnt damaged their White Flag factory!

Could have had dire consiquences if a war had been declared.
1 person dead so far. Labs are not the place for some people. In my time in the lab I have presenced 4 nasty accidents. Only one of them actually resulted in a person badly injured, the poor girl will have bits of glass in her for the rest of her life.
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