Huge problem, pc shutting down...

28 Feb 2006

Right, when I play a game of counterstrike source or a similar game, after 15mins the pc will crash then shut down, not the normal windows shut down just a clean off...

Erm, tried 3 bios's as just checking if it was bios, still happens with my clocks off, thought originally was the psu, however same problem after switching to a Seasonic 600w, S-12.

Erm, do you think its the ram failing or my gfx ? I really want to know what it is, spec in sig, turned of clock now.

It doesnt fail prime on hours on end, works ifne in windows, however when it comes to a game BANG... switch off... erm therefore turned of my overclock to stock settings..

Does this sound like the gfx as it jsut switches off in games.... Aaargh! :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance!
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It does sound graphics/power related.
Check your temps for everything particularly the gpu.
Download and run 3dmark 06 and see if this crashes it.
Update graphics and chipset drivers.
Only way to find out is to run memtest on it.
Just pop the iso on a cd and set the bios to boot from cd. Its very easy to use.

If that passes, test the graphics using 3dmark 06 here

Check the temperature of the graphics if you can.

You need to find out whats causing it to shut down.
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i had the same kinda problem not so long back, changed my psu, and it has been rock solid ever since, could also be cpu temps-Check what the cpu shutdown tempurature is set to in the bios, most likely aroud 70oc, if your cpu goes near that when running prime or superpi, your pc could just be turning itself off to protect itself from dammage.
Joe42 said:
Only way to find out is to run memtest on it.
Just pop the iso on a cd and set the bios to boot from cd. Its very easy to use.

If that passes, test the graphics using 3dmark 06 here

Check the temperature of the graphics if you can.

You need to find out whats causing it to shut down.

Right so when it runs, can I jsut shut pc down to restart pc mate?
Yes when its finished just turn it off and then boot from the harddisk.
I assume it passed then?
If so i think you should check all temps while running 3dmark 06 next.
Just going to do the windows one now ...

Going to do 3dmark 06 first though

It may be jsut the fan on the gfx card is clocgged up with dust right?

Will clean on sunday when i switch cases
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