"Huge Star Wars Title for 2007"

21 May 2004
South Staffs
Edit - Cant link to the source, as the URL is on the banned word list...

Apparently, 2007 is the 30th Anniversery of Star Wars, and

with the anniversary just around the corner Lucas Arts will be hoping to beat that record all over again. Not only will there be a huge Star Wars title for 2007 but Lucas Arts also confirmed they are working with new technology that will improve our game playing experience....

Personally, I'm praying for a new XWing/TIE Fighter game. Or at least, a new Jedi Knight (Force powers...with a proper Physics engine?)

More than likely, it'll be some lacklustre RTS using the Ep1-3 era.

Anyone any ideas on what this "huge" title is in 2007?
Matmulder said:
Edit - Cant link to the source, as the URL is on the banned word list...

Apparently, 2007 is the 30th Anniversery of Star Wars, and

Personally, I'm praying for a new XWing/TIE Fighter game. Or at least, a new Jedi Knight (Force powers...with a proper Physics engine?)

More than likely, it'll be some lacklustre RTS using the Ep1-3 era.

Anyone any ideas on what this "huge" title is in 2007?

I agree. There's a lot more story behind the Jedi Knight series and a new X-Wing/TIE fighter game would be absolutely GOLD!

Wasn't there that video of a new Star Wars game or something?
I'd *want* a new TIE Fighter, but, it'll be some adaptation of the concept video shown at E3 this year, which I suspect it being a Jedi Knight style game, probably set between the two trilogies.
Personnaly I'd love it to be Galaxies 2 (but only if SOE has nothing to do with it)

Xwing and Jedi Knight would be close seconds.
I want Star Wars Galaxies 2 made by bioware's (people behind KOTOR 1, as well as many other great RPGs) new MMORPG branch. But I agree that is will probably a new Jedi Knights based on the, rather cool looking, E3 demo.
A new Jedi Knight would be amazing, It would really benefit from the new physics and graphics. I still play Jedi Outcast and that is on the Quake3 Engine.
If is going to be that impressive, it need to be a Jedi Knight+Tie fighter game where once you've Force powered you're way onto a spaceship, you can blast your way onto the next planet. A bit like Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter but done properly in the Star Wars Universe.
I expect it to be some kind of Episode III Jedi game from the way LucasArts has been going. I just miss the excellent space combat of X-Wing/Tie Fighter.
Personally, I wouldn't mind a Republic Commando sequal, 1 of the most enjoyable Star Wars games that I've played in recent years.
Book was a good read as well.
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