Hull Fair 2008: Bungee Ride Rope Snapped!

16 May 2006
I was out last night with my girlfriend, enjoying the annual Hull Fair. This was my first time there and I had my camera out, snapping like a Japanese tourist. I somehow managed to bagged myself a "once in a life time, right place, right time" shots.

I wasn't really prepared for the accident but I did prepare my camera for "machine gun mode" as I know the ride was going to be fast. Just as I was ready to snap... the rope snap and my trigger finger went.

Here is a couple of internet pictures of how the ride is at normal operation:


Here's what happened:

Click on image for page to full 1800x1800 image
Essentially it depics what happened... picture 1, you see the ride ready and from picture 2 onwards, you'll see the ride isn't going as planned. Especially number 2, see where the redline is, there was rope flares everywhere~

If it wasn't for the metal caging, the 2 girls in the ride would have smacked straight into the left bar with flesh and bones. I was pleased to say that the girls were initially shocked but were smiling and giggling after the incident.

What a lucky escape~
(It could have been worst if BOTH the ropes went whilst they were up)

Needless to say, all those queuing behind quickly seek refunds.
wow, lucky for them they were not hurt

did you speak to them, offer them a copy of your photos?

No, everyone and their dog were crowding around them and I'm pretty sure they're fine. I'm offering the photos to the local papers - see what rate they give for freelance. They can keep the paper articles I suppose :p
It would be next to impossible for both ropes to snap at the same time, as when one snaps the tension is lost, so the second would not be subject to any force apart from the weight of the cage. The second rope could only snap if it were extremely worn down to a thread.

True, but my worst case scenario is where the cage ball is launched up and that's when both rope snaps. Leaving the ball freefalling into the platform or worst, the crowd.
This has happened a number of times on this ride setup. screw going on one of them!

I've been googling around for accidents relating to such ride set ups and have come up with very poor results. Anyone found fatal or even other documented accounts of such rides going wrong?

Seems like google is filled with a man and his bungee rope, not specifically the rides. Seems like it's quite a rare freak incident.
Hmm, I highly doubt it'll be the weight of the users as the 2 girls on-board were probably no more than 10st each (only max of 2 onboard) It was the bungee rope that snapped, so I'm thinking there was something that cut / scratched it before the accident?

Still waiting for more news on that. Very interested.
I'm sure the girls were really excited for the fiver they've spent... I was so glad I'm the one with the camera aiming at the incident and not sitting in the metal cage! :eek:
i hate fun fairs for this very reaon, i think they are not at all safe tbh and should be inspected every time they are set up.

Weren't they inspected and testing the rides on Friday and early afternoon of Saturday? My girlfriend and I went there around 1ish and all rides were running for test and only the stalls were open for munch...
On a side note: the Hull Daily Mail is interested in my photos but they don't pay for photos. I didn't mind not getting paid as long as I get a free copy of the published article with my photos in it :)

Also did a quick disclaimer and terms for the photos so they cannot pass on or sell on these photos without first contacting me. Yay to me and my hopefully, first photos for publish in the papers.
Well, I'm still new to this.
I'm just happy with the article to be honest... maybe IF the other national papers contact me, then I'll talk to them in money.
Here's the front page of Hull Daily Mail (Last Edition, Evening mail?)

The reporter even made my quote of "every man and his dog crowd around the ride" when the accident happen. lol~

Edit: Notice the front page advertisement too, haha!
Nice pics, Colin - could be the beginnings of a career there?

Photography is only a hobby for me, maybe part time freelance if there is an opening wanting me but I'm happy working towards a scientific degree (and beyond) than snapping accidents for newpapers :p

I was only lucky.
Hmm... after actually reading the news, I think the reported misquote / misinterpreted my meaning of the girls were laughing and giggling - it was when they were still dangling up in the ride... not when they're down and realise what the actually happened.

Meh, new reporters eh?:rolleyes:
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