Humble Bundle Game and Ebooks bundle - 100% of all proceeds goes to support COVID-19 Organizations.

27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
This special one-week bundle features $1,071 worth of games and ebooks for just €28. 100% of the proceeds from your bundle purchase go to support organizations responding to COVID-19. For example, delivering protective gear to safeguard healthcare workers and providing medical care to infected patients.

There are some quiet good games in the bundle as well:

Humble Conquer COVID-19 Bundle

There are 45 games, among those these:

Hollow Knight
LEGO Batman3 Beyond Gotham
Killing Floor 2
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Sniper Elite III
Brothers A Tale of Two Sons
Europe Universalis IV
Tropical 4

and then 24 ebooks, but those not to sure about. Main thing is the whole bundle costs €28 (or you can pay more, someone paid 10k !) and it all goes to COVID-19 Organizations.

PS: Mods, hope it is ok to create a thread about this and not post it in the Daily Deals Thread, where it might be unnoticed after a short time.
Bumping this thread incase anyone need a bunch of games and ebooks to keep them occupied during the next couple weeks. ;) :p
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