Hundred Reasons

21 Oct 2005
Just started listening to Kill Your Own despite buying it about a year ago :o and bloody hell it's awesome. Just great tunes, no bs, I really want to go and see them live again now :D

Does anyone know if they're working on a new album?

Kinda pointless thread but meh, flame/rant away :D
I remember the singer coming into the shop i used to work in.

He complained that his album was too cheap, as we'd put it in the sale after 3 weeks, due to very poor sales, as in, we sold 2.

What an arse. ;)
Lol, great band tho, been following them since i first heard silver. I prefer Shaterproof to the other albums, but about 3 of the songs are unlistenable because of the wear on the cd from overplaying. lol
Always thought they were very average, dull and nothing really to get your teeth into.

For a good English hard rock band, check out Oceansize, especially their first album Effloresce - it's a corker.
Ive seen them live about 8 times, ideas above our stations is my favourite. They really had something new and exciting when touring with that album.
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