Hunting for k300i firmware

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Picked up a k300i for the wife today, i've unlocked it using a terminator dongle, but it's still got all the vodaphone guff plastered all over it.

I've tried a few of the places i used to get my t610 & t630 files, but half of the sites aren't there anymore!
I've already done the unlocking, just need the firmware files to flash into the phone.
You can also flash firmwares using DVT, although I've never done it myself so I can't explain to you exactly how.
Online Flashing, Language Changing and Operator Decustomization:

?K and F Series: K300i, F500i, K500i, K500c, K506c, K508i, K508c, K700i and K700c
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