HX1000 Platinum problem

28 Aug 2006
I've got a problem, after installing a new HX1000 Plat.

My PC has now suddenly, just started to randomly freeze and become unresponsive.

The PC screen freezes or turns black. The keyboard and mouse RGBs go out, but the fans and motherboard LEDs still work.
The reset and power buttons don't work either. I can't cause this problem to occur on demand. It happens if browsing, watching a video or gaming.

My only solution is to switch the PSU off and on again, then I can power up my PC again.
I can only figure that the PSU is tripping.

The system has been stable for years before with an RM750 PSU.

The only difference is that the HX1000 is running on a 2x 12v rail, and I used 2x PCIE cables to the gtx 1080, instead of the old single cable with dual plugs.

Could it be that the PSU is faulty?
Is your Corsair HX1000 PSU rail swtich set to multi? If so then you will need to switch it to single rail then hopefully your PC wont have further randomly freeze and unresponsive.
Yeh, it's set to multi rail. That was it's default.
What is the difference between the single and multi rail setting?
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