Hybrid disc drives for Lightroom? Best of both worlds?

26 Jun 2005
I need to upgrade my main Lightroom and backup drives as I'm running out of space. I'm after a fast drive for the Lr Catalogue and Hybrid drives look interesting. Any idea whether Lightroom takes advantage of the SSD on the drive and would this make it significantly faster than a WD Black drive?
The drive in mind is the 2TB Seagate Hybrid with 8GB SSD.

Interesting setups...My set up is: Win7 PC, 120GB SSD primary drive for OS and programs. 1TB LR disc for both Catalogue and Images, another 1TB disc which one LR backup, Synology NAS which has another LR backup of the Lr disc.

mid_gen: I assume you back up the catalogue as well as the Lr images? Does Amazon Glacier maintain the same LR folder structure?
Are the advantages of splitting the Catalogue and Images onto separate discs significantly better than having both on one large fast disc?
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