Hi folks,
Can anyone recommend a hydronic plinth heater? Inundated with options and they all look the same to me. I plan to swap a 90 degree for a T so I can run a flow and return to pretty much any unit.
The ones with the coffee maker on will contain food, so probably not ideal?
On the other side, where the rice maker is, I can fit it really easily as that is a 700mm cabinet. But then it'll be tucked in the corner and presumably central is best. Power is no problem to anywhere, really.
Thoughts? The room is 4m long by 3mish - but I'd also like to heat the utility (1.6x2m ish).
Can anyone recommend a hydronic plinth heater? Inundated with options and they all look the same to me. I plan to swap a 90 degree for a T so I can run a flow and return to pretty much any unit.
The ones with the coffee maker on will contain food, so probably not ideal?
On the other side, where the rice maker is, I can fit it really easily as that is a 700mm cabinet. But then it'll be tucked in the corner and presumably central is best. Power is no problem to anywhere, really.
Hydronic (Central Heating) Archives
Hydronic central heating plinth heater connects and works with central heating system. Hydronic models not only save space they are also cheaper to run.
Thoughts? The room is 4m long by 3mish - but I'd also like to heat the utility (1.6x2m ish).