Hyper-V Questions

18 Oct 2002
Lake District
Just trying to get my head around how I could incorporate this to make my life easier.

If you install the Hyper-V role on Windows Server 2016, does the OS then become visualised or does Hyper-V run on top of the OS? I've looked on the internet but there seems to be conflicting information in regards to this.

How could I then use Hyper-V to improve what I do? Typically servers are set up on baremetal, using either SBS2011 (yes still) or Server 2016 for those customers that want to (or are forced to) migrate away from SBS. Typically, because the firms aren't huge, we tend to run AD and Exchange on the same server, would I assume that the recommendation would be that AD and Exchange are split on to two different VMs?

What other benefits does Hyper-V bring over baremetal? I don't have access to SANs or anything like that.
So once you install the Hyper-V role, are you then free to set that instance up as an AD or exchange server?
Seeing as it's recommended that a hyper-v host is domain joined, what if the guest is actually running the AD, how does that work?

Do you just have to initially use it in workgroup mode then change it to domain mode once the guest OS is installed?
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