Hyperlinks in PHP table

6 Mar 2009
I have a php table with details of different products and in the table there is a column called 'Test Product'. I would like to be able to click on 'Test Product' and that then bring up a new page on that product. Im not sure on how to go about this.

Here is my table code:
echo "<table border='2' cellspacing = 3 cellpadding = '3'><tr><th>Circuit</th><th>Product</th><th>Silo</th><th>Frequency</th><th>Test</th></tr>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
//Display the results in different cells
echo "<tr><td>" . $row['circuit'] . "</td><td>" . $row['product'] . "</td><td>" . $row['silo'] . "</td><td>" .$row['frequency']."</td><td>'<td>Test Product</td></tr>";

Any help would be great

Ok thanks.

Another quick question.

With a table how can i make a text area where i can type in?
Making a table with headings and with the <td> parts i want to be able to type into.

Thanks again
Right im on a roll today haha

Another question.

I have a HTML table with headings and in the <td> parts i have text boxes to type info in.
Can i save this info typed into these boxes into a database or can it only be done by using <form> instead of <table>??

Just wrap <form> around the table and treat the whole thing as a normal form. That way the user can either press enter to submit, or you can put a submit button in yourself.
Ok heres another one!:(

When it comes to Inserting into the database iv came across an error that dreamweaver has shown.

Some of my table names have special characters and decimal points and it doesnt seem to like it.

Heres where the error is: '$_POST[+4.00mm%]'

Is there a way round this do you know.
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