Hypothetical/Etheical job dilemma :P

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Asking for a friend of course :cry:

If you were being layed off and you could bring up stuff that could potentially let you keep your job on grounds of another employees employment being given on a bad legal framework, would you fight for it?
It doesn't matter what the jobs are (its not glamourous) but it will certainly cause future resentment (potential bad relationships with other colleagues) if you get to stay over the "dubiously" employed person....

Would you do it?

Based on moral grounds i personally feel sick about it. I don't really enjoy conflict. it would be a bit like kicking a puppy or kitten. Immense fun but really not hard to do. (joke btw)
Based on "law" well they shouldn't be there, i should, so F them.... Even if it wasn't really something they personally exploited to get there did to get, the fact stands they shouldn't be there.

Don't get too professional on this situation its just more of a moral debate.
Is it just a "pussyish" or should bridges be burned, drawbridges raised, and battle commence (siege) commence...
Treat it as just 2 same for same positions for a run of the mill company. have some fun at my freinds expense too as expected.

Am i just too much of a pussy, should i care how many people i crush underfoot in my pursuit for a "skit jobb"


I don't lift and I'm clearly not alpha enough.
Resolved itself without issue for me.
They want to let go off me purely on a last in last out basis.
another college with less to worry about is also upset at the "injustice" of all this and is saying shes going to take it to the unions and HR etc. Real Swedish jobs worth.
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