Hyundai A321 + consoles

18 Oct 2002
Hey guys,

Reading the thread on this screen at AVFroums, it seems one guy had problems with lag on his Gamecube, while another reported no problems.

Who here is running a non-HD console with this screen? (Especially Gamecube, Super Nintendo etc).

What's the picture quality like with these as source, and is there any lag?

How are you connecting them?

I plan on using S-video with my consoles, although my NES (!) uses composite.

Trick said:
I havent run the A321 with a console but I've run it with Oblivion on PC over vga and it's fine - no noticable lag at all. HTH

OK, thanks.

Ideally, I'd like to know if there's any lag using SD sources over composite, S-video and SCART (e.g. NES, SNES, GC, PS, PS2, XBox (not 360).

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McBain said:
Hi mate,

Just hooked up a Gamecube to my A321 via standard composite, and it looked fine to me. No noticeable lag, this was playing Mario Kart DD by the way.

Thanks dude.

I've decided I can't really afford an LCD right now, so I've picked up a 28" Sony CRT from the bay.
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