Firstly i have to admit i've never been a fan of TFT's for the same reasons as youve listed and did think about TFT before i got the Q995 as i didnt have much space to spare so the 995 fitted the space bill perfectly, it turned out to be maybe about an inch bigger in all directions so sat just fine where the old 17" had been.
Despite the Neovo being one of the cheapest 19" TFT's i had to admit in comparison to the Q995 the Neovo took 1st prize, Brighter colours, whiter whites and black even seems to be better on the tft despite having twiddled settings on the 995 (bear in mind the use mines had over nearly 2yrs though) and of course the sharpness is great, to the point it makes a crt look soft(but easy to look at), when i 1st compared them i opened up the 995 and tweaked the focus just to make sure!
(avoid this unless you know what youre doing).
Viewing angles are much less of a problem than most people make out tbh, if your using the pc are you really going to sit at some obscure angle? No i thought not
the worst angle on the neovo seems to be from below but i'm not likely to sit under the desk so that wouldnt be a problem, from the sides it's quite surprising how far you have to go before the picture becomes unreadable, along the lines of 4ft from the side then about a foot in front (strange way of working it eh) above is also pretty good but perhaps not as good as from the sides.
The only real let down on any tft is the flexibility of resolutions, native's best and thats it, scaling to some degree wont be noticable in games but for desktop/gfx editing definately a no no for me.
Unfotunately the dead/lazy pixel issue is a bit of a lottery as it happens to the cheap as well as the dear ones, backlight bleed is popping up a fair bit lately on the 20" wide jobs but the 19" seem to be ok from what i've seen around here, there is some leakage around the edge as you find even on laptops but of course it's only noticable with a dark background, blur was not a problem on this particular one but i didnt do any extreme gaming on it just a quick session on Brothers in Arms.
Dont forget also the 19" crt is only 18" viewable so a 17" tft may do you nicely, it just seemed a good idea for the extra few bob to get them the 19" in my case, where else can you get an extra 2" for £20
I will be heading for a TFT once funds permit, best suggestion i can give you is to find a shop where theyre plugged in and have a demo, take along a memory stick or something with your fave pics or whatever and see what they look like in the flesh, were all different and my views/feelings towards tft's may not be the same as yours.
sorry if some of that states the obvious but just sort of went with the flow, hope it helps a bit though.