I always look at the serial number of notes I receive, do you?

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
I don't use cash very often, in fact the only place I've needed to use cash for the last few years is a local baker who do far better rolls then I can manage to make myself. I always look at the notes when I take them out of the machine and got another one today that amused me.

This completes my £5 and £10 AA01 and AK47 collection.


If you're a fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey, you'll recognise this one.


And if you watched Line of Duty, this may make you chuckle.


As for value, well, I reckon that little lot is worth, ohh, about £45 :cry:

I've also got a few $2 bills which even some Americans don't seem to know about.

They're worth about $2 each!

Friend of mine is into coins.
Apparently those that were first issued in X year, but bear the previous year from being minted early in readiness for issue, are worth quite a bit of money.
Every time he received change he'd be checking them and was forever struggling to get his phone to try and magnify the view of the coins, that I ended up getting him a Swiss Army knife with a magnifier on it... mainly so he didn't have to keep borrowing mine for his geeky little obssession.
He's made a few grand from those he's found, though, so I try not to take the mick too heavily....
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