I am like a kid with a new toy...



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%
Because I AM a kid with a new toy!!

OcUKs resident kit-swapper extraordinaire mrk's shots with his 430EX combined with my woeful efforts with the onboard 300D flash convinced me I *had* to get a new flash.

Being the little trendwhore copycat I am, I picked up a 430EX tonight. :D

First impressions: Wow! I am a flash n00b and already I am getting exposures and colours I just couldnt get with my 300D's flash (which is to be expected really).

I have only taken a handful of shots but here are some 'samples':



Yet more techniques I have to learn! This learning curve never levels out, does it? :p
Nice aren't they? :cool:

Get yourself some decent rechargable batteries like the 2700mAh Vapextech ones. I got some for mine and it makes the world of difference.
Cool shots. Having a real flash helps so much with things. Its amazing how correctly bounced light helps.
I really fancy getting a flash gun soon. What features does the 430ex lack that the 550 or 580 have? What about compared with the sigma 500 offerings?
Told you it was good xD

olv said:
I really fancy getting a flash gun soon. What features does the 430ex lack that the 550 or 580 have? What about compared with the sigma 500 offerings?

^ Well for each brand there are only 2 options to consider really.

Canon = 430EX (£150~) or 580EX (£280~)
Sigma = 500 DG ST (£99~) or 500 DG SUPER (£150~)
Nikon = SB600 (£170~) or SB800 £280~)

The 430EX has fewer custom functions and only a slave mode instead of slave and master, has a slightly smaller guide number and because of that has slightly less power but it's still powerful for the price since the 550EX is discontinued it's very much worth it for everything but pro level long range shots where the extra power is needed I would say. The photozone comparison stated this too and the 430EX recycle time and shot/battery life is also of very good even on 2100mAh batteries. Everything else is comparable, build quality, light quality etc.

The Sigma 500 DG SUPER has the same sort of power and control as the 550EX and has master/slave control. It lacks in build qualityt hough and it certainly does feel cheap, you won't feel like taking it anywhere with lots of people incase you bump into someone and it snaps in two :eek: :eek: :eek:

The DG ST model is a cut down version of the super with no slave mode, it's on level with the featureset of the 420EX I'd say give or take and its price reflects that.

The Nikon guns are something else though, they cost more but then again they do more too ;)
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What happened to MRK, is he Nikon Sponsored now ?? ;) I will miss all his lovelly noise free pictures :p

I have a 550ex and have used a 430ex and there was not a huge difference for normal flash use. Certinally far less options but i was very impressed - it semed quite a bit smaller and lighter also. Having used the Nikon flashes quite abit on a D70 i thought they where not very good, certinally the Canons gave much more balanced coverage. What more do they do mrk ?? as far as i could see they couldnt strobe - didnt see anything they could do that the Canons could not. Mind the Nikon bodies do have better flash sync speeds.

Glad you are liking the flash, it really is amazing the difference they make - steep learning curve to get the best out of them but worth it for sure !
that's what I emant :) combined with at least a d70 body they have everything, strobe works too just press *** dof preview button and you also have the same fel/fec functions as with the canon. Oh and onboard wireless with commander mode without the need to spend £120 extra like you have to with the Canons is never bad :D

I found ittl gives more cooler colours and skin tones seem to be more detailed and natural whereas ettl gives more warmer softer light which wraps itself around the whole frame which many like too. Both had their good sides!


Mikeyboy said:
Nice aren't they? :cool:

Get yourself some decent rechargable batteries like the 2700mAh Vapextech ones. I got some for mine and it makes the world of difference.

he bought 4 2700mAh and 4 2500mAh batteries with it (we'd ran out of 2700 :p)

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