I can finally use Safari now!

12 Oct 2003
I have been wanting to make the shift to Safari for a while, firstly because it is a proper mac app and also because it is so damn fast! However the lack of ad blocking and mouse gestures held me back and i stayed with firefox, until now!

For ad blocking i found this http://safariadblock.sourceforge.net/ It works pretty well and keeps most of the ads away.

And for mouse gestures i found http://alum.hampshire.edu/~bjk02/xGestures/ It does cost $5 to register but it lets you control any app with your mouse. So now i can use mouse gestures in Safari and even in finder.

I hope that someone else finds these as useful as i have. :)
Anyone know if there is an extension to Safari which makes links that open in new windows open in a new tab?
Anyone know if there is an extension to Safari which makes links that open in new windows open in a new tab?

Close Safari and open Terminal, then type.

defaults write com.apple.Safari TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true

Works flawlessly and no third party apps required :cool:
Is there a way to get Safari to start as it was closed, ie with the same tabs open?
You can install the Safari plugin, SafariTabs which can open your previous session automatically and also apply the "force open in new tab" tweak without having to use the terminal :p

Terminal command = copy n paste = 2 seconds.

Downloading SafariTabs = 2 mins + breaks with new Safari updates = fail.

Plus, the open last tabs thing is built in, therefore, I win :p
How do you know it will break when a new Safari update come out? :p

It hasn't broke on me for the previous Safari updates except for the current and latest one which the developer fixed shortly after being notified :p

Also, can Safari undo closed tabs without this plugin? :p
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