I can't install Paint, Calculator etc!

29 Dec 2004
I forgot to install the utilities when I last formatted so went to Add/Remove Progs, then to the Windows utility bit and began an install for the stuff I'd missed. I start the install but then it starts asking for files like "clipbrd.ex_", and I only have a file called "clipbrd" which it won't accept. Tried to rename the files but that didn't work, so now I'm stuck! Help! I need the volume control and calculator or I'll cry. :(
uknorthboy said:
Go to control panel>add/remove proggrame>add/remove windows components.
Make sure the xp disk is in the drive.

Did you read the OP? That's what I've tried and it doesn't work.

I CBA with a full Windows reinstall for Calculator!
Try including your CD-ROM drive in the "InstallationSources" key of
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Setup and trying again.

You could also try using sysocmgr with the components "Vol=on" and "Calc=on" in the answer file. I've got a few scripts at work that do this kinda thing, so I can install/uninstall Windows components via GPO
One More Solo said:
Did you read the OP? That's what I've tried and it doesn't work.

I CBA with a full Windows reinstall for Calculator!

I still dont see how it didnt install, which section of the install asks you which components you want to install?
Is it an original full version of XP you are installing from or is it a customised CD - by using something like nLite - which may have had certain components removed?

An XP installation doesn't ask you what components to install during the setup process unlike some previous versions of Windows.
insert xp cd into drive. now open a command prompt. now type this command

expand d:\i386\calc.ex_ c:\windows\system32\calc.exe

where d is your cd drive and c is where windows is installed. repeat for any other apps, you get the gist of it.... :)
marc2003 said:
insert xp cd into drive. now open a command prompt. now type this command

expand d:\i386\calc.ex_ c:\windows\system32\calc.exe

where d is your cd drive and c is where windows is installed. repeat for any other apps, you get the gist of it.... :)

Yes!! You sexy beast, thanks a lot! :D
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