I cheated and discovered many people are stupid

27 Oct 2002
Well today I cheated on OcUK - I looked at many other forums.

I was searching for a new phone so looking at forums for reviews, common faults etc.

I was shocked at the english people were using. i get annoyed on this forum when people say brought instead of bought.
Other forums it was -
loose instead of lose
fort instead of thought
"in your near" means in local to you
I could go on...

I spent more time decoding what they were writing rather than reading it. I actually thought i'd stumbled onto a foreign forum the english was so bad.

I've heard of text language ruining english, I never thought it true. People are just writing either phonetically like a 6yr old japanese girl on holiday in England, or cutting their words down till they have no meaning.

We make fun of the Americans for their stupid spellings, but from what IU've seen today it seems like we have more of a problem.

Also the "immigrants" argument. "Them lot" coming here unable to speak the language. My God people some brought up here, EDUCATED here seem to be the real problem.

Think everyone should be forced to take an english test. If they fail...burn them at the stake. :D
RandomTom said:
I'm glad at how coherent posts are on OcUK

I was checking out this N-Dubz thing earlier, saw them on a music channel and laughed at how pathetic they looked and google'd them and the following quotes from their Bebo comments page actually make me scared about the future with these people, natural selection needs to happen to rid the world of this lower class, I present to you English, but not as you know it:

This next one is the best:

That is the sort of stuff I was reading about video and picture quality. Unbelievable really. One can only imagine how they speak!
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