I definitely saw this but can't remember many details. Help me.

5 Aug 2004
Someone at work was talking about ships and it reminded me of 2 or 3 ships built in WW2 that had guns so large that 1 ship capsized when the guns were turned broadside and the other 1 or 2 were sunk in battle when flanked, unable to turn there guns for risk of sinking they were a sitting duck. They also had bad balance due to the guns they had trouble turning.

I remember those details but I don't remember what country built them or the ship names. I remember a year and half ago binge watching this series on Youtube called Sword to Secrecy: Secrets of War, narrated by Charlton Heston, it's a great series btw, and I'm 99% sure this is where I got the info from. There are 60 episodes at an hour each though and I can't find a clue to which episode it was from.

Otherwise I've Googled and came up empty. Japans Mushashi and Yamato are recorded as the biggest battleships and sporting the biggest guns and it's 2 ships, it seems to fit but it doesn't quite match on their defeats.

So I'm wondering if anyone here knows anything.. it's a long shot I know.
5 Aug 2004
Oh I forgot to mention that at the time I saw/heard it I told my brother about it. I've asked him and he remembers me telling him about it and that's it.
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