I don't know diddly squat about Mountain Biking

29 Jun 2004
I've got a Bicyle. I ride it a lot, but have cut down since exams.
My last exam is on Friday and after that i'm going to rape it again. Judge for yourself but it's a:
Universal Stinger (God knows what that is)
"Extreme Brake Calipers" (They look pretty much the same to me)
3 Big Gears at the pedals. 5 Smaller ones at the rear
Front and rear suspension
Yellow in colour

When I ride it down outdoor steps I feel the bike is lacking. When I go over major humps and bumps, it just lacks. The front suspension goes fully down, the rear bounces a bit too much and the rear and front wheels are wobbly. When I turn the bike on its back and turn the wheels myself free handed I see that it wobbles from side to side but is actually stable at the nuts. But because it wobbles it scrapes against the brake pads.

Well I guess what I am asking in this thread is multiple questions:
1) Any advice to improve my bike (£50)
2) Where can I learn more about bikes? Or even joun a club (East London)
3) (This is an extremely vague question) How much am I looking at for a bike for me? I'm 17, love biking up/down bumps and don't want to spend thousands.

V. sorry is this has been done multiple times.

Thanks :)
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