Rather than replying in the useful software thread, I felt that that this deserves its own topic, as cookie pup ups and ******* annoying! I don't have an issue with functional cookies, but ones which deliberately track your data, browsing habits and what not, and furthermore when the website makes it difficult to opt out is rage inducting. I had been using a plugin which worked reasonably well, but they've moved to a paid model. More recently I've been using Hush (https://oblador.github.io/hush/) however it breaks some sites, and there's no way that I know of to ad an exclusion.
I find cookie pop ups so infuriating that I am happy to pay for something if it's decent, hence I am looking for some suggestions.
I find cookie pop ups so infuriating that I am happy to pay for something if it's decent, hence I am looking for some suggestions.