i feel so sick, angry...

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7 Jun 2003
..and for the first time a tear actually came to my eyes from an internet video.

Theres a video on the net where a woman is killing a cat with the heals of her shoes, im not sure how old it is but ive never felt so sickend and angry at the same time.

i wont link to the video because its far to grusome for a family forum, but if you want to know what im on about then try googling.

what would compell a person to do such a thing to a harmless kitten? (think it was a kitten, it was young anyway) she didnt just kill it which was the most in-furiating bit, she torchered it!

has anyone else seen this?

really feel like ripping the head off that woman :mad:
Yes there is a lot of horrible stuff out there. You've typically over-reacted in the way a lot of people do regarding animal cruelty though. I've seen much much worse.
That's wrong plain and simple, I'm not sure if I can actually bring myself to watch something so cruel.
BrenOS said:
I've seen much much worse.
Fair enough, there is stuff thats worse, but filming it as well? thats just taking the ****.
I watched a pig being beaten and skinned alive on the PETA website (I think) amongst other things. It affected me that much I became a vegetarian for 8 months. I would have stuck with it if I was any good at cooking but ended up going back to fish and then back onto meat to keep my diet balanced.

Yes, there are some evil people out there, but what goes around comes around.
I saw it, it actually makes me cry. i dont know how anyone could do that to a little kitten, or even any animal tbh. Makes me so sad that humans could be that cruel to something that poses no threat at all and even can depend on us :(
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