I finally sympathise with young drivers

18 Oct 2002
I have always been very sceptical of young drivers getting ridiculous insurance quotes. Personally, I have always been very lucky with insurance. From the age of 19 I have never paid more than £750 for my own insurance per year.

Anyway, my brother has got a job in Liverpool (L17 postocde) and requires his own insurance. Been helping to get some quotes, cheapest so far is £3411 for 10 months from bell direct. While I accept its a high risk area and my brothers age does him no favours (he is 18), £3411 is more than the cost of his KA. He will actually only be at the Liverpool post code temporarily (less than 6 months), so its a ridiculous quote.

I just can't believe how anyone his age is expected to have their own insurance. He will be on a poor wage to start with so £3500 is quite a dent in his earnings, before he even starts! No wonder so many young people are uninsured.
He has passplus, I have tried the Rapid Scheme from Norwich Union and that came out at £1800 at his current post code, over £3500 in Liverpool.

Admiral who we are he is with as a named driver have offered to make him the named driver and make a note that the car is being stored in Liverpool for an extra £300 until the policy runs out (4 months). Seems the best option so far. Its only temporary as I said before, he could pay £3500 and move back here. Its not as if he would get a refund :mad:

I have had some quite powerful modified cars in the past under my own insurance, yet he is struggling to insure a KA for less than £3500. Crazy world!
Adz said:
You have to see it from the insurer's POV now though. Everyone is making vastly exaggerated PI claims, I was reading the other day that one crash could cost the insurer upwards of £1,000,000. £3,500 doesn't seem like so much money now, does it :p.

Oh of course, i'm not disputing that as I am sure that everything considered he isn't getting too bad a deal. Liverpool has a reputation of being quite rough in places, he is young, driving under a year with little experience and 0NCB.

Still doesn't make it any easier parting with such a wedge of cash for a service you hope you will never need to use!
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