I Got Angry Yesterday

19 Nov 2004
Just want to get this off my chest....

I went to Pall Mall yesterday to watch the start of the gumball 3000.

As you can imagine, there were quite a few people climbing up window ledges etc trying to get a closer look. A couple of Jewish children (not older than 13 I think and clearly Jewish as they were wearing Kippahs/skullcaps) had perched themselves on a pillar to get a decent view. One of the specially employed security staff shouted at them to get down, then as they were getting down one lad out of a group shouted "yeah you dirty ******* Jew get down" and then they all proceeded to laugh. The poor kid had an expression on his face that looked like he was trying to keep his tears from flowing, while trying to smile at the same time. He went over to his mum and dad who gave him a hug.

Mindless racist good for nothings are unfortunately all too common, but then I managed to catch a couple of the security guards laughing at the comment. At this point my blood was boiled, and I started to push my way over to the security guards. In the meantime, one of my friends, who is slightly less restrained than I am, walked up to the youth that said it and gave him a swift elbow to the head, which must have hurt because the little **** doubled up clutching his head. His friends didnt bother to help him and just stood there. As soon as that happened, the security guard walked over to our group and said that he saw what my friend did and that he could report us to the police and have us removed. So I said to him "you go and do that, and we will tell them how you encouraged racist behaviour by laughing at their racist comments. Our whole group saw it and I want to speak to your supervisor" (add a few swear words into that). The guard looked me in the eye as soon as I said that, then looked at the floor and then walked away to one of his colleagues and carried on with his job.

I was still in the mood to make a complaint about this guard, but it got busier and busier and I ended up not doing it which I have regretted. Someone like that does not deserved to be employed at all. He looked like they had just picked him up off the corner of Peckham high street and given him a uniform and badge.

I was firstly angry that people can behave like that in public, shouting racist comments for no reason, secondly for the guard to laugh at this kind of behaviour and thirdly that I did not report him for acting like that.

not that I condone the racist behaviour but are you and your mates much better for carrying out and condoning random acts of violence and more than the other guy and his mates for condoning racism,

IMO arrest both of you.
Although I don't approve of vigilante justice (the elbow to the head), I think you did the right thing by putting the security guard down like that. Reporting him to his supervisor would've likely been more hassle than it's worth, but at least you made him feel about 2 inches tall.
Welcome to life.

The guy was obviously an asshat though and deserved what he got. Don't kick yourself about the guard thing - in all likeliness you would've probably ended up in a cell the way the law works now.

I'm glad you and your friend stuck up for the little kid though, that behaviour is just not on.

Slightly off topic: Are you by any chance Jewish? (Please don't be offended, just curious.)
As much as I'd like to condone on-the-spot beatings for racist little scrotes, I unfortunately can't quite bring myself to. I'll content myself with sitting here wondering what the world is coming to, or whatever it is that's appropriate for this sort of thread.
Cookie-Monster said:
not that I condone the racist behaviour but are you and your mates much better for carrying out and condoning random acts of violence and more than the other guy and his mates for condoning racism,

IMO arrest both of you.
He didn't carry out an act of violence, his friend did, and it wasn't random.
Cookie-Monster said:
not that I condone the racist behaviour but are you and your mates much better for carrying out and condoning random acts of violence and more than the other guy and his mates for condoning racism,

IMO arrest both of you.

I see your point, but they would have nothing to arrest me for :rolleyes: but I wasnt v pleased my friend did that. It wasnt a "random act of violence". I would have to say that we are much better than they are, and I disagree with you on that. I reckon the guys that shouted it were at least 18 if not older.

EDIT: Im not Jewish....probably would have been worse if I was.
Yes, as it has been said violence is wrong, although if I had been there I wouldn't have made any trouble toward you Panthro! Those racist pigs should be severly disciplined, and hopefully the one in question won't be too hasty to re-offend. Disgusting that its towards children though.
Kell_ee001 said:
Why would there be any chance he would be offended by that question? :confused:


People are weird. To some people, that would be more than enough for them to brand me a racist just for asking.

Damn PC.
Good on you! It might not have been the most morally right thing to do but it at least shows the people who shouted the comment that the rest of society doesn't agree with it and is willing to act. And to say it to a flaming child, pathetic. I applaud you!
Cookie-Monster said:
no hence saying arrest both of them, the racist and the guy that assaulted him.
You don't think that someone who makes racist comments to young children deserves, at the very least, a smack in the face?

Actually, I suppose you're saying that he should have been arrested. I think that there's a good case for on-the-spot justice in some circumstances, though. ;)
Arcade Fire said:
You don't think that someone who makes racist comments to young children deserves, at the very least, a smack in the face?

I dont because that would suggest i believe the average thug on the street capable of assembling all the facts and carrying out summary retribution as justice. which i do not.

It doesnt matter what the crime is a vigilante style punsihment can never be justified because it just becomes a slippery slope, leading to "Well that guy deserved it so what about the guy that commited an only slightly less bad crime" etc.
I reserve the right to make jokes about Jews by virtue of being 1/4 Heeb.

That said, there's jokes amongst friends and outright racism by individuals in positions of (perceived) authority.

That said, you and your chav mates should be done for assault though ( ;) )

Cookie-Monster said:
I dont because that would suggest i believe the average thug on the street capable of assembling all the facts and carrying out summary retribution as justice is an acceptable way to behave.

It doesnt matter what the crime is a vigilante style punsihment can never be justified because it just becomes a slippery slope, leading to "Well that guy deserved it so what about the guy that commited an only slightly less bad crime" etc.

In this case it most definately was the lesser of two evils. If everyone stuck up for the right things then maybe there would be less of this disgusting behaviour on the streets in the first place.
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