I got my first gesture today

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26 Jun 2005
Well as the title states some nob fliped me the bird.
The reason he did was because...................****Flash back****

I was on a duel carrageway drivin my friends car with him and 2 of the other guys in it and the speed limet for a certain section was 80kms because i had just gone past a town. While going 80(the speed limet) some guy in a white statesman(a luxery model holden) flew past me and over took me going 120kms+. Then when the speed limit changed to 110kms i got up to the speed limet and the gap between us was still growing, so i put my foot down a little bit to catch up to him just for the sake of it i got 120kms to catch up but i did keep the speed for too long just incase there was police hanging around. I took my foot of the throttle a bit and he started to gain again so i went for one last push and over took him then once i got it frount i slowed down to 100kms not by braking but by taking my foot off the throttle :p
Then i saw him pull out with out indercating in the revision mirror and i said to my friends "look inside his car and ill bet hes got his figure up at us" so as he went past he there he was just looking at us with the fingure up and not watching the road at all until he was far infrount and back into driving lane.
Once he pulled back in frount my friend who owns the car lent across to the lights and flashed him with his fogg lights and held down his horn with the other 2 guys arms out the windows giving him the finger back. Then he just took off, he must have been going atleast 150-180kms because he was out of site with in a minute and the road was a pure straight road.

The only time i really bricked my self was when i was over taking him going 120-125kms and i saw a cop going the other dirrection through the trees. Thank god for trees :D
Enfield said:
Do you want a medal for driving like a tit?


He just frustrated me because he was going around well over the speed limit in an 80 zone where there were quite a few roads and petrol stations pull out and never signal once and get closer then he needed to me.

going 10-15kms over the speed limit for a short while is hardly being a tit and the road was practicly clear and he was the only car we saw going our direction exept for 2 other way up in frount
merlin said:
Your spelling absolutely sucks ass.

Yeah i could have told u that.

My spelling sucks arse :)
Ok i admit it was stupid and it was the only time ive ever done anything like that.
But 120kms isnt really that much in 110km duel carrage way tbh. Its only 74.5 mph which many of u do just about every day. :o
[TW]Fox said:
It's not the speed everyone is bothered about, it's your attitude :)

Please tell me how my attitude sounded. It might have come off sounding different then i intended due to my writting skills, that happens all the time.
iCraig said:
Totally missed the point.

Its the fact that you had to make a point of him overtaking you, by overtaking him back and disrupting his driving.

And flashing your foglights, blasting your horn whilst waving your arms out the window is chimp behaviour, your friends are just as bad.

I wasnt going to flash the lights or blast the horn. I was at the point of dropping back at that point of time. I just couldnt stop my friend from it though because he had jumped over there before i knew it :o
gord said:
Its the reaction that is beyond me.

People who dislike being overtaken are highly dangerous for a few reasons:
-you dont know they dislike being overtaken
-you dont know what they will do once/ or even during the overtake

I rarely overtake. Its one of the most dangerous things you can do on the road. To be overtaken by a more powerful vehicle wanting to go faster than yourself.. only to overtake it back out of pure spite because you cant handle being overtaken is just ludicrous.

Tell me, why when he overtook you did you just not let him go? He was still going faster than yourself. Oh wait.. you had your friends in the car.

I dont mind being overtaken, its better then having them tail gateing.
It was just a moment of stupidty. Where i over took wasnt dangerous, if it was i wouldnt have done it.
I didnt just floor it to catch back up to it either.
Where he went flying past all it would have takin was one scare from a truck or car from him and he would have been gone or someone else would have been.
120 in an 80 zone with lots of in roads and petrol stations is far worse then over taking him back imo.
But i know it was stupid and it was just a one off
gord said:
Dont kill him yet. I want to know exactly why when the other guy overtook he didnt let him just carry on away? Thats in terms of the first time.

I was going to let him go. Like i said in another post i didnt just nail it to catch him. he must have broke for something after he took of after he over took me in the 80 zone when i wasnt paying too much attension for his car(probably broke for a cop car tbh) but i got about about 5 or 6 car lengeths behind and he was off again gaining his speed back. I dont know why i did it but i just overtook him then, I signalled and left a heap of room between my car and his when i pulled back in because i knew i was going to slow down again.
Im not stupid enough to get infrount of someone and cut them off and just slam the brakes on. I just slowed down by taking my foot of slowly and it wasnt a fast slow down but i nice and steadyone so he wouldnt need to brake at all.
The conditions were nice and the road wasnt slippery or wet either so there was almost no chance of anyone getting into a slide tbh
johnnyb said:
yeah this zip guy sounds like a tool getting in front of people and braking.......but he should still stand by his word about been a tool and stop brown nosing everyone.

Are u sure u read the thread? I never broke once and ive stated that a few times.
johnnyb said:
engine braking ....so YES you were :D

It was an auto. U cant rush them to a slow speed i find like a manual engin brake. i just took my foot of enough to slow me down slowly.
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