Size means very little, everything has to conform to the ATX spec, so bar brute force amount of drives it can hold offers very little more.
Something controversial here, with a normal system the PC7+, Akasa Eclipse, Akasa Zen, Thermaltake Soprano will all cool better than a TJ07, just to do with how much space in the case of the TJ07.
The PC7+ is the worse case out of the two, most certainly and you would expect it as the price of the TJ07 is 4x more!
Is the TJ07 4x better no, would I go as far as saying its 2x as good probably no again.
With the right system in it, the TJ07 is a nigh on unstoppable cooling machine, however especially with lower heat output parts its benefits most certainly do not equal the price.
If you like the TJ07 get it in a heart beat, you will not be dissapointed, if it offers value for money to the point of being worthy of recommendations, then that is a certain no.
Cheaper cases can do everything it can, but with a bit less style. £100 is worth it for the style, only if you like the style it offers.