I have an idea and I think ocuk should do it

5 Dec 2008
So I was hoping it would be possible that we can have links built into the forum that go to our steam, origin, uplay, Discord ids.

I thought since we have the official not official Discord group it may make it easier keeping track of who's who as not every ones Id is the same across the board.

Just a thought
Yeah, would be useful. Some forums have PC hardware underneath the avatar and post count but I guess something similar could be added for Steam, Origin, Blizzard etc. etc.
If they have had it I've not seen it or noticed it in settings, I get the put it in the sig but I think be better if we had a dedicated system in place for it.

Come on mods get involved
What risk would there be? None spring to mind so just curious

It's a pretty giant forum, so what might sound trivial defo isn't, here's what comes to mind:
- performance overhead
- risk of people putting in bad values, i.e. dodgy links
- people attacking the site via a new field
- maintaining the feature over time, compatibility with future versions of the forum etc
- maintaining the data over time, gdpr etc
- risk to steam, origin, etc accounts being hacked via sharing of player id
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