I have just discovered music

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Before you start thinking, 'OMG you were deaf and know you can hear!!!111!!!' No i've had perfect hearing all my life. What i mean is that i never really searched for music outside the mainstream.

I started broadening my horizons by using Pandora, but then i took the plunge and signed up to e-music - no more DRM infected files or low bit rates you get from i-Tunes. Within 5 minutes i had found 20 albums i really liked from artists i didn't even know existed. Such a good site, like Pandora it lists bands similar to the ones you're viewing. (I'm not trying to advertise the site btw)

All of a sudden i have loads and loads of new music i can listen to. It's like when I first discovered Napster, but better.

I have been living in the musical equivalent of a cave for years.

Anyone else suddenly realised this?
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Although i have a large music collection, i listen to it everyday for most of the day. I have got completely bored it. So glad i've found all this new music, couldnt get throught the day without it.
Mellownatts said:
Never heard of Pandora but to slightly broaden my horizons i usually go on that competitor and search for the bands i like and at the bottom it says "people who like this bad also like blah"..

I really should try out this Pandora thing. :D

Pandora lets you have new music in small amounts - I'm actually annouyed with myself that i didnt try out e-music earlier.
Its not that easy to tell the difference between 128k and 192k, however it does make a difference when you turn the volume up. Obviously if you have really good speakers/headphones it is noticeable.
Well you have to remember these small group of people are trying to upload every single song ever-released (and not released) it takes time. They also have to cross reference it with other songs - Its a massive task.
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