I haz cookies!!

20 May 2009
Been meaning to make some cookies for a while now, gave it a go today and NOM!!!

Followed this recipe http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/chocolatechipcookies_72335

The resulting cookies are great, they do expand quite a lot though! I made them about the size they say in the recipe but with quite chunky chocolate, I think 3 per tray will do fine next time.

Made 13 cookies in total.



These aren't going to last long at all!!

Nothing like that here, they've cooled down now and are still soft like proper cookies!

There is a lot of sugar, chocolate and butter in them though!

I've got this fear that if I learnt how to bake I'd just stay at home in a perpetual cycle of baking cakes and cookies and eating them until I ended up on Jeremy Kyle with a tagline akin to "my boyfriend is the real life cookie monster!".

At least without the skill I know that my packet of biscuits will eventually end and I won't be able to eat any more without heading to the shop.

You'd need to head out to buy ingredients anyway, go in for real cookies and cakes!

Buchanan0204, a few sadly didnt even make it to the cooled stage, they fought back with hot sticky chocolate but it was futile!

Very nice :D
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