I hear voices.

13 Mar 2007
There are no speaking advertisments or popups but I can hear this really quiet talking, and if I turn my speakers down I can hear it stop, but it won't go louder if I turn my speakers up it just stops.

Is it picking up some random thing from I don't know where.

Logitech speakers.
Hmm... well it's quite rare but sometimes speakers, more commonly amps used for guitars, can pick up radio stations. Probably that.

I haven't got a clue on how it happens exactly but it's happened to me on my mum's old speakers and it happened once when I was round a mates house and he was using his guitar amp.

Might be wrong but from past experience it's probably just your speakers doing that.
It's the little fellas that run your PC. Leave a couple of thimbles of red wine in the bottom of the case, and keep your ears open...volume will increase quick enough.
Probably just RF interference. Or if you're playing Black & White 2 it says your name in a creepy distant voice. Playing it after watched a horror film late at night and a crapped myself. You don't expect to your name in the air. :eek:
Jumblemo said:
It's the little fellas that run your PC. Leave a couple of thimbles of red wine in the bottom of the case, and keep your ears open...volume will increase quick enough.

haha, rofflez. :D

I hear voices.

No medical threads.
I have a pair of B&O speakers that do exactly the same thing. It only comes on if I have them up loud for a few hours at a time and never appears on my headphones.

I wasn't sure what was going on...but the theories above seem plausible I think lol :D
Old analogue cordless phones can be heard on speakers too (if the voice doesnt sound like radio). Seems pretty much any RF can occasionally get picked up on speakers.
Mercutio said:
Old analogue cordless phones can be heard on speakers too (if the voice doesnt sound like radio). Seems pretty much any RF can occasionally get picked up on speakers.

I used to get the neighbour's telephone calls over my amp: very distracting ...
On my old speakers I used to get this too, randomly I heard people talking very silently, that was on speakers that were usually very sensitive to conenctions from mobile phones etc.., every time a phone ringed, even when 5 metres away, I heard the kind connection sounds from my speakers.

Basicly happens on badly magneticly shielded speakers I think.
Had the same here on my Logitech X530's to, its some foreign radio station, i got rid of mine by turning the volume up pretty loud (as i noticed that it vanishes if i do that), and using the volume control in windows to control the volume instead, totally gone for me now, even handier now ive got an EclipseII keyboard, as thats got volume keys. :)

Btw TurnipHead id reduce that sig as its way to big, only 400x75 and less than 20k is allowed.

Id definately hit it though. :p
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squiffy said:
Probably just RF interference. Or if you're playing Black & White 2 it says your name in a creepy distant voice. Playing it after watched a horror film late at night and a crapped myself. You don't expect to your name in the air. :eek:

OMG its freaky isnt it.

Like 2am in thje morning and all i could hear was Gaaaarrry in a very depressing way, i actually checked the house top to bottom and locked all the doors.

best thing about it is 4 mates who also had the game said they never heard it.

You're not playing Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines with the Malkavian voices mod are you?

With my Medusa 5.1s it sounds like they're actually in my head...
If you've got any leads plugged into your PC (eg guitar, audio outs from an external DVD player) remove them and see if it goes away.
Leads can act as an aerial.
I have a similar problem. I've got my pc linked up to my tv and surround system, but have to make sure my freeview is switched off otherwise 'the voices' can sill be heard (just)
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