"To the internet!"
"Thanks for the info"
"This thread delivers"
"This thread fails"
*empty quote*
"Rub it with mustard"
"Nuke from orbit"
"Kill it with fire"
"Punch it in the ovaries"
"<something that is clearly crap> is classic"
"I hate all smokers"
"You received money due to error? OMG HOW DARE YOU! THIEF!"
"I for one, welcome our <insert bs here> overlords."
Seriously not cool anymore... please, just die... all of you.
"Thanks for the info"
"This thread delivers"
"This thread fails"
*empty quote*
"Rub it with mustard"
"Nuke from orbit"
"Kill it with fire"
"Punch it in the ovaries"
"<something that is clearly crap> is classic"
"I hate all smokers"
"You received money due to error? OMG HOW DARE YOU! THIEF!"
"I for one, welcome our <insert bs here> overlords."
Seriously not cool anymore... please, just die... all of you.
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