This sounds very much like you’ve not set it up correctly
Can you answer the many questions we’ve all posted and maybe we can help identify the issue?
I've probably spent 30 hours trouble shooting this stuff. I'm not computer illiterate. Answering question about what cables (tried them all, spent like 140 bucks on cables wondering if alienware's were defective) I'm using is just not doing it for me.
I really think you guys upgrade from like, really old screens or maybe even 1080p 60 hz screens, or placebo is as strong as the psychologists say it is.
Yes, the IPS has trouble with the black-white contrast on forums. No, I don't browse any black-white forums. Ironically I discovered this issue while trying to figure this all out.
I'm bored at home with a broken foot and have spent days now on this. As far as I can tell, the only difference between these screens is some blooming on black forums, and the matte finish on the IPS.
It's all nonsense. They got my money with it, so fairplay. Even when I think I've found an advantage on the oled, I can erase it by playing with gamma and contrast and ****.
Look how many "experts" gave diablo 4 9/10 and 10/10. That is a 2/10 game. And people argued on its behalf for the first month of the games release so hard, they sincerely thought it was the best game in the world. I could tell within first glance at everything in the game that it was useless, but these people were so insistent that it was the best... right until they realized there was nothing of merit. IDK. Tbh, I miss my old 4k/60hz 300 dollar 55 inch TV. I've spent so much money because I took people at their word that all this **** mattered. Now I'm left with these small dim screens I have to baby or they'll fall over and die.
I should have known when I saw stuff like "color accuracy", like what the ****. What does that even mean. Why would that even matter. When you're looking at the rocket launcher in doom: eternal, does the exact shade of the metal really matter? Does it need to match exactly your IRL rocket launcher? Or if the cement is a shade darker in forza than you suspect the cement actually is in the bahamas? If you're an entomologist and you need it to be 100% accurate for your field work, then I mean, absolutely.
I keep forgetting that the average GPU out there is a gtx 1060. People are poor. They don't have money for this ****. Of course they are going to desperately justify their decision. Nobody can be honest with themselves. So you have a bunch of people who convince themselves their 1500.00 oled was justified and that diablo 4 really is as good as the reviewers say. Well, they can walk away from a 70 dollar game purchase once they finally come to terms with the fact it isn't what they hoped it was. But a 1500 dollar purchase, they are going to be full cope on that. Like, hang onto the brilliance of their decision making for dear life.