I just don't understand some people

18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Today, the mrs and I decided to take our 18 month old son to the park for a play on the swings and slides. When we got to the swings and were waiting our turn, a woman walked up with her 3 children, smoking a cigarette. Now, as an ex-smoker myself someone smoking doesn't bother me but she was in a childrens' play area which is clearly marked as no smoking.
The woman finished her cigarette and then threw the butt into the sandpit where my son was playing.....
My mrs asked her (very calmly I might add) would she mind picking up her cigarette end as there were children playing. What followed was the most unbelievable tirade of abuse I've ever heard.

She called my mrs a fat cow and that she should **** *** back to whatever country she came from (my mrs is Polish and has a very heavy accent) and that she was English and would do whatever the **** she liked in her country and that she was sick of people like my mrs coming over and taking her jobs etc.
I went to intervene and advised the woman to calm down but then she rounded on me and started calling me every name under the sun for daring to have a non-english mrs and that I "Better get her away from me or my husband will do her". She then spat on the ground in front of me, uttered "******* *****" and walked off.

It shook us both up a bit but at the end of the day we've shrugged it off. We did think about reporting it to the police but figured that as we didn't have a name or any kind of view as to where she lived, it would be pointless.

What I don't understand is why someone would be so utterly racist against my mrs. She's a taxpayer and has been in this country for 10 years now. She's hardly taking that woman's job seeing as she's a buyer for a major high-street retailer. Yes, I get that there is quite a lot of anti-eu undertones going on at the moment but come on, are we really at the point of spitting at non-English people?

Then again, if I'd been the one to challenge her about the cigarette butt then I'm sure it would have been me that took the tirade for being posh or bald or something.

Just wanted to vent.
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
My mrs sounds Russian. She was wondering if telling them that her (imaginary) gangster mates would break their legs would have had an effect. I said yeah, it might have got her stabbed....
My mrs can be quite foolish sometimes.
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