I just got to the hardest part of my Motorcycle test!

27 Apr 2012
Which is the hardest?
Which Bike to buy, because I live in Central London, I work in Central London and I don't have a Garage.

My dream of owning a CBR 600 RR Leyla's edition is not going to happen, as it would last less than a week parked on the street, same would happen with any sports bike.

So what to get? I would like something:
1) that is not a thief's target
2) at least 500cc engine (600 or more would be ideal)
3) 2010 or newer (I would consider 2005+ if it is well maintained and low mileage)
4) "low" insurance cost (don't need to be really cheap, but nothing that costs a big % of the bike)
5) has a pillion seat (so some classics are out)
6) Japanese
7) unfaired (unfortunately as faired falls on 1)
8) Not using for commuting, I will keep my scooter for it (so basically weekends and travelling)
9) Preferable Honda, Suzuki ,Kawasaki and Yamaha (in this order, but I'm open to new ideas)
10) Suitable for 5'7 user (1,71m)

I just want to have some fun and travel on my spare time, but I don't want to lose my sleep thinking if my bike is still safe.

I thought about parking in a secure car/bike park but it will cost a fortune and the quotes I did on insurance will be almost the same as parking on the street. (I really don't understand how)

I'm even thinking about moving out of Central London to get a place with a garage :(
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Live in London
Newish bike
Low insurance cost.

Pick 2 - you can't have all three.

I'm not moving now, so London stays :)
I wouldn't mind if it is a good, well maintained, low mileage and less than 10 years old.
Low insurance cost for me would be less than 15% of the bike's value.

That's a pretty wide selection of requirements - it basically covers every single 500cc/600cc/750cc naked/tourer/commuter bike since 2010, twins, triples, IL4's. Pretty much every single bike (apart from some of the retro bikes) has a pillion seat or an option for one, even the super sport litre 200bhp bikes.

You might need to narrow it down a bit - faired/unfaired (naked/unfaired will be a lot cheaper to insure), type of riding (weekend/sunny rides/commuting through central london) and so-on.

Needs to be Japanese, unfaired, weekends/long journeys, weather you never know when you live in UK, not using for commuting (I will keep my scooter for this)

I'm probably more inclined to: Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha and Suzuki (in this order)
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Er6n or Suzuki sv650

Chain it up to something,all makes models of bikes get nicked even scooters

The ER6N is one to consider, I will have a look on the Suzuki.
Where I park there are some ground anchors, I know they would take anything, I'm just trying to lower the chances :)
Best thing to do would be to go on biketrader, put in the following:

less than 5 years old
min 500cc max 900cc
60 mile radius

this should bring back a few hundred results, have a browse and anything that takes your fancy, do a insurance quote through a comparison site. That will either rule it out completely or add it to your list of possibles. Once you have a lost of 5 or 6 bikes, narrow it down/get test rides. That's what I did when looking for my first bike. Ignore the fact that I bough something completley different :p I do now know what I like in a bike though (Italian, v-twin, noise!! :D ), instead of the Aprilia Shiver I was looking at I'll be looking at a Tuono as my next bike.

Yeah, I did this yesteday, even the quotes.
I posted here because I would like new ideas as well
Thanks for the tips.
I don't think that 15% is low, but on the quotes I made the lowest ones were around 15%... I think it is a lot, but most were around 25% and some almost 50%, so that's how I got that 15% is "low". Ideally 5% would be great.
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