I just wanna shoot stuff!

21 Oct 2009
Doncaster, S Yorkshire
I'm still a bit behind on PC games and I'm now nearing the end of Crysis 3 but really enjoyed it.

Are there similar games to this? One's where you get to run around and shoot loads of stuff without getting too bogged down with RPG elements.

I just want to shoot stuff, I especially like the sniper sections lol

I've got Just Cause 2 and wasn't keen. Was fun for a couple of hours parachuting everywhere and blowing everything up but I got bored quite quickly.

I seem to more enjoy the linearity of Crysis than the open worldness of Far Cry/Just Cause. I don't like aimlessly wandering for too long.

I've got Wolfenstein New Order on my wishlist actually, that looks like the kind of game I'm after.

Any more?
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Ooh, Hard Reset looks cool, reminds me of a Serious Sam type game.

Only £1.49 too!


Bulletstorm looks OK to but it's got GFWL according to the reviews, bummer.
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I suppose there's Bioshock Infinite, but that wasn't my type of game

Metro Last Light ( Has a story, but I did enjoy it ;)

Far Cry Blood Dragon ( GOOD! )
call of Juarez gunslinger arcade type shooter is very good , dead space 1&2 first one is superb or sniper elite v2/3 and lastly max payne 3 all simple shooters
A few recommend pshadow warrior to me a while back but it was just too cheesey imo, i think that may be part of its charm but it was too much for me!

Wolfenstein new order is brilliant, again a bit ott but not too far like shadow warrior. A classic pc shooter.

I dont know if its improved technically on pc but Rage had great gunplay but i remember graphics glitches etc bogged it down but was a fun shooter
Instant Gaming has the Metro Redux bundle for just over a fiver. I haven't played Last Light yet, but I really enjoyed Metro 2033.
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