i know its been asked before

5 Aug 2006
Kent, UK
Ok, so i'm in the 'new case' market. Narrowed it down to:
Akasa Eclipse62
Antec 180P (black version)
Antec 160P (why oh why do they not make it in black??? :( )
Lian Li V1000b+

I realise Yewen will probably tell me to go for the eclipse (you on commision :p ?) :D
Can anyone give me a really good reason to spend the extra money and go for the V1000+.

Going into it will be a
NF7-S rev. 2
Athlon XP
OCZ gold PC3700
samsung Spinpoint SATA
and a tagan 580W modular PSU

all apart from the tagan PSU will be replaced when i scrape together the money for a core duo (everyone else is jumping on the conroe bandwagon, so why not me?)

I'll be back in sunny stoke in a couple of weeks, so will be able to negate the shipping costs. Whoop-de-whoop.

oh, and i'm thinking about getting into watercooling, but not just yet. still like to have the option without having to buy another new case though.
Wahhh! :eek:

You think I favour the Eclipse over the v1000+, oh my you have not been about long have you. :D

I am a very big fan of the v1000+, had a v1000 and then a v1000+ for ages, each of them are the longest a case has lasted for my main rig, and I am tempted to go back to the v1000+ from my S80b.

The v1000+ is a cracking case, not the best for temperatures but the build quality and looks to me are second to no standard case.


I have owned the same case as the Eclipse before it, and a fair few people have both cases and most usually side with the v1000+ just due to its step up in quality, although it cools a little worse.

If your watercooling both cases are good enough to hold a decent sized Rad, the Eclipse is probably a litle better suited but the Lian Li gets my vote as always out of the two.
^^I'm with stupid ;)

Awesome build quality on the V1000 range. Minor niggles are the temps can get a little high if kept unchecked and also I get a fair bit of panel rattle. Typically in the middle of the night when I wake for a split second and then can't get back to sleep.

Oh yeah and IMO (shhh now Yemen :p) the wiring can be a bit of a pain in the backside too. (too messy for my liking :p)

Thats my only real problems with it.
v1000b+ gets my vote :)

I understand they're very close in cooling, but I think the v1000+'s build quality runs away with on this one.
Ive got the v2000, and if the v1000+ is anything like it(And im damn sure it is) then its a great case. Ive also got the p180 and although its a decent case, I can now see that its build quality and internal layout are nowhere as good as the v2000/v1000+.
Thanks guys and gals.
Thats interesting that you all opted for the v1000+
Does anyone know where i might be able to get spare parts for one in the UK?
Specifically the baffle plates under that CPU duct in the PSU area.

@Psymonkee - Panel rattle and heat problems sound like more than a "minor niggle" to me. I'm using a £30 (incl. PSU) cheapo cheapo case at the moment, and the cooling on it isn't that bad, and its never rattled. I'd certainly expect a £130 case to never rattle. That would really annoy me.

@Yewen - nope not been about too long :)
The case does look smart though!!
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Best fully star out that sweary mate it's not appreciated round these parts.
Just a friendly warning before a Mod sees it.
rangor gubbins said:
Thanks guys and gals.
Thats interesting that you all opted for the v1000+
Does anyone know where i might be able to get spare parts for one in the UK?
Specifically the baffle plates under that CPU duct in the PSU area.

@Psymonkee - Panel rattle and heat problems sound like more than a "minor niggle" to me. I'm using a £30 (incl. PSU) cheapo cheapo case at the moment, and the cooling on it isn't that bad, and its never rattled. I'd certainly expect a £130 case to never rattle. That would No swearing! me right off.

@yewen - nope not been about too long :)
The case does look smart though!!

The reason why it is sometimes suseptible to rattle is due to the whole thing being made out of aluminium. Most will not have any rattel, however if you do get one that does it is very easily fixed with a tiny bit of bluetack. Also the heatproblems arn't really problems as such. Due to the unusual internal layout, the v1000+ sometimes requires an unusual fan config, ie intake at the back.
Yeah, i'd noticed that it has an intake at the back. Interesting design. Does the back CPU intake duct have a fan on it/room for a fan, or is it just a hole?
And thanks for the bluetac tip. That may well come in handy.
Oh and i love the look of your android case so far. Hope it goes well for you.

swearing removed (well tbh it was already removed when i got back here).
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