I miss how gaming made me feel

21 Jan 2012
Posted on reddit but thought I'd open up here.

Now before I get bombarded with old person comments and down votes I just wanna open up here, partly due to boredem, party to vent and now allow it to ruin my already cagey mental health.

I'm 33, live in England, been lucky enough to have been exposed to gaming from a young age. My earliest memory gaming is playing Sonic 1 in my uncles bedroom. Around 3years old. I literally don't remember anything before that, that is my earliest memory and I suppose using sonic as a reference is why it's stuck.

Gaming throughout the 2000s I eventually got into mmorpg which changed gaming for me, maybe due to the lack of massive online community on xbox/ps around 2006. And although I always buy every console I maybe have 5 friends I always play with, and another 20 I haven't played with since maybe 2015. I used to always be part of a team, or when I played more console games, we aren't a clan, just a group of friends who grew up together gaming. (I realise how poorly written this is up until this point but I'm trying to channel my thoughts for once)

Now due to my age and group I'm in, everyone is moving their focus onto families, some already have kids, some expecting more and the time we have together fades as their family grows, which is great for them but gaming is my getaway, I don't watch TV unless it's football (soccer) and the rare film. And I'm finding lately I'm just finding my time online a bit sad and lonely. I got heckled loads for having my yera of birth in my tag, got bombarded so much I paid to change it lol, and it's like I'm 33, have my own house, nice car, good job, travel and I'm allowing these people to bring me down further. I just miss a sense of belonging or being part of a team now days, I have a pc sat upstairs, decent spec but no one to really game with, my ps4 Pro is mainly for exclusives because it is better for that let's be honest, and my xbox is really there to play with the same group I've played with since the 360 days.

I've got this far trying to explain something I can express. I dunno. Maybe I am getting old, maybe I just need to find a group who wants members etc. I just hope in a way there's people in the same moment, and that we can all pass it.

Peace out
Nice to see some of your comments whilst I'm aware I need to change mentally and psyically, (hit 20 stone due to drinking and eating and not doing much, then got help, early days) I do have a missus, we live together but before she met me she was already one to just read and chill, where as I game. We have a healthy life. Normally we travel a fair bit during the year but due to covid, we've just took a step back. Most my friends are in London/Essex so I use gaming as the main way we stay in touch. And when that's not happening it just leaves a void that's all.

Sure I need something to do and I have a lot of energy, stress and time to burn. But I just wish I felt part of something whilst online. Offline I'm OK with how things are.
Trying to relive your 'glory days' of gaming doesn't work IMO. I was heavily into online gaming from around 2003, but now hardly ever turn my gaming computer on, just seems too much like hard work, and nobody is around from the old days.
I also think the online 'community' is a lot more toxic than it used to be, but that might just be rose tinted specs.
I agree with you, trying to chase that sense of freedom, belonging, togetherness from way back when is addictive but I'll never find it I don't think. Online is hossible now days, before it was OK I'm sure of it.
I should have added to the original post the reason I use it as a social tool with my old friends is because I now live 2 1/2 hours away. I moved here to start a new life and whilst that life has it's perks, I do miss the days of yesteryear.

Taking peoples thoughts onboard it seems I'm not even part way up the hill, and this feeling will only get stronger unless I replace it in a way.

Gaming will always be a part of my life. I just need to find players for causal gaming whilst chasing other dreams.
Me and my gaming buddies are early/mid 30's there is only me who had a child the others have no interest. I specifically make time a couple of times a week to get online and sometimes we just sit and chat about things its very good for socialising. If you want to pop onto our discord channel then get in touch :) The other guys are into retro gaming so you will get on well with them, i grew up with the mega drive/nes/snes but i have no real interest to revisit that era. I do however agree i just dont quite get that dopamine hit i used to get from 1997 to around 2005, i really hope cyberpunk changes that.

Currently we play a bit of of COD,insurgency,overwatch,the division. Im massively into Rust but the others just cannot get into it, so i usually solo on that.

If you want a decent group of guys, honestly get in touch! :)
Shows how out of touch and over relent I've been on my old house mates I don't even know what discord is
Maybe you mght wanna move on life? Surely gaming cant be your OWNLY vice? In 20 years time would you be happy if you were still in the same place you are now? Look into personal develoment if you dont wanna find that special someone
Me and the missus travel a lot as we both dont want kids for example so have quite a bit of spare time, however we've always liked just chilling doing our own thing when its needed, it works very well and in that part of my life I'm very very happy.

Hvaing a few offers on here have been nice and once I'm less anxious i'll be joining a few groups, once I dust off the PC.
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